Are You missing Outdoor Cock Fun?

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I guess quite a few places are starting to ease their lock-down measures at the moment and while I'm glad things are changing I wonder whether it might just be a little too soon for a lot of what's being done.

Working mostly from home anyway it doesn't affect me that much, but I do know I'm missing not being able to get out there to hook up for some fun.

That's not stopping one of my buddies. He emailed me this morning to let me know that while he's not yet back to meeting up with other guys at his local woods he did stop there on his run this morning to enjoy a long wank. :)

I know him pretty well, he's a horny guy who likes to meet up with a new guy at least once every couple of days, so the fact that he's restrained himself to just tugging one out in the woods after two months of no other dick to play with is pretty impressive lol

So, that brings me to this post, random guys getting their meat out in the sun to show off and have a little fun. To be honest I wouldn't mind spending a responsibly socially-distanced afternoon with any of them :)

Let me know if you're the kind of guy to enjoy a little sun on your dick and if you're looking forward to hopefully getting out there and enjoying the summer at least a little.

Have a great Wednesday!

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Lea Hendricks
Lea Hendricks
9 months ago

Love these nude guys outside. They are hot. I my self love to be naked outside & show off my nice size cock.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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