Are You Having Dirty Thoughts About Zaine Pringle?

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Happy hump day! And speaking of humping... You're about to make a mental list of potentially dirty things you'd like to do to this guy, or with this guy. Prepare to leave a comment at the bottom of the post :) Take a look at handsome Zaine Pringle, a blond and buff stud with movie star good-looks and a body I think every reader out there would love to spend a couple of hours exploring. This is another one of those moments where I surprised myself and wondered why we haven't seen this handsome guy on the Gay Body Blog before. I don't know how he flew under my radar, but he did. When I saw this shoot by photographer Pat Supsiri this morning I was immediately out there looking what else this sexy young man might have done, and it seems he's done quite a lot. No, there are no nude shoots with the guy, unfortunately, but you can bet that I'm gonna keep on looking. He seems to have the right kind of attitude to do it, and obviously he has the body for it too. In the meantime, while we're waiting for a shoot showing a little more skin, we have this underwear bulge shoot to enjoy, and enjoy it we will! :)

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7 years ago


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