Are These Guys Brothers?

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I'm not sure what to think about this, other than it's incredibly hot for being a real tame shoot with two gorgeous young men. As I understand it, the guys appearing in this shoot are Daniel and Filip Jankovič, which makes me think they're brothers. If so, I think that adds another level of hotness to the theme and the photos appearing here.

I love the sporty themed shoots like this one, where there is clearly some sexual suggestion going on. The boys play their roles as college jocks real well, a little too well perhaps? Doesn't it just look pretty genuine?

Photographers Vratko Barcík and Daniela Pilná are responsible for this, and it's a great collaboration in my opinion. The only thing that's missing from this horny shoot is a little shower action to go with the locker room setting.

Do I even need to tell you guys which of these photos is the sexiest in my opinion? No, probably not, but I'm gonna anyway... it's the shot of them flashing us those sexy butts of course.

I wonder what they're doing in that shot, comparing cock lengths perhaps? lol

Excuse me while I go and have a good long think about that ;)


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10 years ago

don’t know about daniel, but you should definitely research filip…he’s got some great shots out there and he is HUNG!

Robert Leck
Robert Leck
10 years ago

they both have nice bubble butts!! yea buddie!!!!

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