April Fools’ Prosthetic Actor Penises

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This April Fools’ Day we’re checking out the actors who used prosthetic penises for their frontal nude scenes. Whether these boys actually had the world fooled, like Theo James in The White Lotus, or used their endowed appendages for comedic effect, like Chris Hemsworth in Vacation, all of these scenes are anti-nudity… and pro-sthetics. Keep scrolling for our favorite prosthetic penises used in movies and television, and at the bottom of the page, you can find Nick Jonas’ actual penis as seen in his jerk-off vid. April fools!

Chris Hemsworth in Vacation

Chris Hemsworth’s undeniable sex appeal takes center stage in the comedy Vacation, where he plays a shamelessly flirtations ladies-magnet. His incredible body and large member are played up in multiple scenes. These men keep us wishing!

Theo James in The White Lotus

Despite the fact that Theo James actually showed his penis in The Time Traveler’s Wife the same year he starred in season two of The White Lotus, fans glommed

onto the idea that his very lengthy cock in Lotus was real - until he dispelled the rumor in an interview.

Adam Demos in Sex/Life

As with Theo James, Adam Demos was endowed until proven innocent in the eyes of the public. His shocking frontal reveal remains the most famous prosthetic scene of the past decade.

Mark Wahlberg in Boogie Nights

But for the most famous prosthetic penis ever, you need to check out Boogie Nights. Mark Wahlberg’s penis size is hyped throughout the flick, and we’re finally rewarded, somewhat, when he checks out his own lengthy prosthetic in the mirror in the film’s final scene.

Blue Kimble in Ruthless

Tyler Perry mixes in both prosthetic penises as well as real ones in his myriad of popular original series. In Ruthless, the sexy Blue Kimble gets a frontal inspection. Yup, it’s a prosthetic alright.

Taylor Zakhar Perez in Minx

No series is more synonymous with fake penises than this one about the creation of an adult magazine geared toward women in the 70s. While Minx does feature real frontal nudity, lead actor Taylor Zakhar Perez is all prosthetic. Still, what a man.

Robert De Niro in Dirty Grandpa

Is there anything Robert De Niro won’t do for a role? In the hilarious comedy Dirty Grandpa, his character’s member gets awfully close to Zac Efron’s face in bed. Interestingly, Efron enlists GCI to bring his frontal flash to life in the same movie.

Check out the male celebrity nudity database here!

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