American Jock Bo Richards Naked – From Back In The Day

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So it seems you guys love the vintage shoots as much as I do, but while I usually post physique hunks from back in the day I was real happy to find these photos of Bo Richards naked in my email inbox this morning.

It seems my friends know what I like :)

Bo Richards is one of those handsome young men who appeared in the gay porn scene very briefly. He really made an impression in that short time.

You can see why. He's a gorgeous young man and with an amazing body. His attitude also helped, he was allegedly straight but didn't really have any qualms about getting his cock out with the guys for a little horny fun.

In just two years in the early '80s he appeared in at least five gay porn movies. Although I haven't yet checked them out and seen what kind of action he got up to I imagine he was probably jacking off a lot and maybe getting blown, etc.

You can check him out in The Gunslingers, Main Attraction, Four In Hand, The Cruiser and Scared Stiff. You can't bet I'm gonna be looking for a few of those movies later :)

Enjoy some pics from his magazine days. He was discovered by AMG's Bob Mizer so there's a few of these classic shoots out there with this sexy young man showing off.

Let me know what you guys think of Bo Richards naked in the comments!

Bo Richards naked
Bo Richards naked
Bo Richards naked
Bo Richards naked

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4 years ago

Yeah! More, please!

4 years ago

I remember him well. He had a beautiful body, a juicy, thick cock and was a good cummer — perfection.

4 years ago

very gorgeous

Gordon Harris
Gordon Harris
4 years ago

Bo had a nice cock, and a sexy body too. Thanks.

Daniel Weir
Daniel Weir
4 years ago

bo, awesome body, cocck, balls, ass. Y U M M M.

William Moore
William Moore
3 years ago

Is he still alive? i don’t mean to be negative but we haven’t seen him on years.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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