Anthony Garrett In Tighty Whities

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I have just discovered something about myself... the moment I see a handsome guy with floppy hair and some blue denim fraying at the edges I am instantly taken back to the 1980's!

I wouldn't mind so much, but I wasn't even a teen until the 90's. I guess all those Tom Cruise movies of the day had some kind of impact on me ;)

Now, this handsome hunk is Anthony Garrett, a gorgeous man I think most would agree. Although I'm not too sure about the suggestion of highlights in his hair (does anyone do that these days?) I have to admit that this collection of photos by Calvin Brockington has held my interest this morning.

You might be surprised to see that we've never actually had Anthony Garrett on the blog before, but after seeing him in this shoot I am inclined to get out there and see what else this good looking guy has been up to recently.

Now the best things about him, what would they be...

How about his cute nose, that stubbled and defined jaw, his cute little butt and that upper lip that you just want to nibble in the throws of ecstacy!? Yeah, I think I got it all spot-on ;)

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