Another New Hottie – Tarik Lakehal

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You might remember that I have a contact in the fashion mag world, and I had an email a couple of days ago telling me bout a couple of new guys that I should show off to the fans of hot boys here. Tarik Lakehal was the first one she suggested, and I have to agree that the guy is gorgeous, and definitely one to keep my eye on.

My friend thinks Tarik Lakehal is about to become hugely popular, and I don't think she's wrong either. He's so handsome and he has that perfectly sculpted jaw line, and his body is really naturally built too.

There actually isn't a lot out there about this guy, and I'm not sure that he's done anything more than get his professional portfolio started with shots like these ones below, but while there isn't much about the guy, I had to have what there is here on the blog.

Definitely expect to see more of this handsome hottie in the future. I'll be adding more when I find it, and please let me know if you find anything else out there about this sexy young man too.

Tarik Lakehal (1) Tarik Lakehal (2) Tarik Lakehal (3) Tarik Lakehal (4) Tarik Lakehal (5) Tarik Lakehal (6) Tarik Lakehal (7)

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12 years ago

OHHHHHHHHHH what a stunner! thanks!!!!!!! 🙂

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