Another Look At Smooth Muscle Stud David Castilla!
Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope your week is going well so far. Even if it's great it's about to be improved by the sight of smooth muscle stud David Castilla.
If you've been around these parts for a while you know we've enjoyed seeing this handsome Spanish hunk a few times before.
We did go through a big break of five years between sightings of him, but I'm determined not to let that happen again.
He's definitely changed quite a bit since our first look at the guy back in 2017.
It seems he's gained some muscle, become more powerful, and become a little more easygoing.
He's still modeling and he's still a personal trainer (as most hunks like him seem to be).
These various pics arrived in my emails this morning and I'm gonna be honest and admit I hoped for one dick pic among them. You never know when it might happen.
I'm certain it will one day.
Maybe it already has happened and I just haven't seen it yet?
That's entirely possible, but I think some of you would have let me know by now lol
For the time being he seems happy to be a tease, flashing his gorgeous ass and obscuring his manhood seductively.
I know I'm not the only one who would have loved to have been on the shoots for those group photos in this post.
Enjoy the smooth muscle stud once more.
Leave a comment if you want to see him back again, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post! It really helps out when you do that :)
Have a great Tuesday. I'm gonna go and spend some time thinking about Mr. Castilla getting naked with Guille Chóa and friends lol

Hot man!
belle équipe !