Another Gorgeous Australian Hunk – Beau Middlebrook

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It's no secret that I have a thing for Australian hunks, so of course when I saw Beau Middlebrook in a shoot I had to get the pics on here. I think he's perfect for a sexy Sunday post on the Gay Body Blog.

I'm afraid I don't know a whole lot about this handsome young man, mainly because there's an estate agent by exactly the same name clogging up most of the search results lol

Still, I'm not sure we need to know a whole lot about him, he's a sexy guy and he's Australian, what else is there to know? :)

Do I need to say that one of the sexiest things about him is that hairy chest? I'm so glad so many male models are moving on from the shaved smooth look. I get that it can be sexy on a lot of guys, but there's something so masculine about a guy with just a bit of fur on his body.

I think I might need to get out there and see what else I can find on this guy. Let me know what you all think in the comments, and as usual feel free to share this post around too!

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9 years ago

All this guy has to do with me is start talking and ” I go stupid in a haze” that accent I’m still , after all my years visiting , still gets me and he’s a hot man.

Great profile face. Keep the Aussies coming Conran yeah

“Looking for crazy right now”Beyoncé( I’m on a 50 shades trip after seeing over weekend.. Great soundtrack by Danny Elfman. Annie Lenox & Sinatra

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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