Anonymous Cock Play In The Sun, Who Is He?

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Cock play in the sun, wouldn't we all love to travel with him?

This is something very interesting indeed!

I have no model name to give you for this sexy show off, but I'm actually okay with that because the photos are so interesting and erotically charged.

He's an unknown and obviously very fit young man who seems to like the element of mystery. And yes, when I see an anonymous shoot like this one I often find myself wondering if maybe they're a celebrity or something.

Imagine that, there could be some really great sportsmen or actors out there who want to get naked for a talented photographer and doing it like this could be the way to achieve it.

He probably isn't famous, of course. He's probably just a sexy man with a lovely uncut cock who likes the idea of being photographed enjoying himself like this, but it doesn't hurt to imagine he might be famous lol

The photographer in this case is Juan Antonio Papagni Meca, and I don't think we've ever seen their work before here at Gay Body Blog.

If this is what they usually do then I think we might have to investigate their previous shoots and keep tabs on what they do in the future!

Enjoy this unknown hottie and his lovely penis enjoying some cock play in the sun.

Let me know in the comments what you think, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post. Most importantly, have a lovely Thursday!

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Ernest Villa
Ernest Villa
2 years ago

Photography is, by its very nature, a promiscuous way of seeing. – Susan Sontag

2 years ago

A taste of honey.

2 years ago

Je comprends son anonymat car je crains que ses nombreux fans si ils savaient où il niche lui laissent un peu de tranquillité

graham louw
graham louw
2 years ago

what lovely shots of his cock…love to suck him dry…mmmm

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