Andrew Morrill By Troy Wise – Buff And Hunky

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It has to be said that although this handsome and buff young man is gorgeous to look at and the chance to eye him up in some sexy underwear should not be missed, I'm not entirely sure these Versace underwear suits him. Come on now, I don't get fashion at the best of times but all this gold and frilly stuff makes me think of 1980's porn - and straight porn filmed in Vegas too! lol

We shouldn't let that distract from the sexiness of this handsome and buff dude though, should we. Andrew Morrill is a very good looking guy, with a steamy Italian appearance to him and some real muscle going on there. He's not the kind of man I would be able to ignore if he walked into my local pub, or the gym, and I would be a little fixated on him and daring myself to go and talk to the guy.

He's being photographed by Troy Wise for this very simple and straightforward shoot, just showing off in some sexy poses.

Again, he's hot, but I would rather see him in something a little less garish and feminine. Like I said though, I don't get fashion at the best of times, so do you guys find this style of underwear sexy?

Andrew Morrill By Troy Wise - Buff And Hunky (1)

Andrew Morrill By Troy Wise - Buff And Hunky (2)

Andrew Morrill By Troy Wise - Buff And Hunky (3)

Andrew Morrill By Troy Wise - Buff And Hunky (4)

Andrew Morrill By Troy Wise - Buff And Hunky (5)

Andrew Morrill By Troy Wise - Buff And Hunky (6)

Andrew Morrill By Troy Wise - Buff And Hunky (7)

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curious sixty two
curious sixty two
11 years ago

Andrew is very sexy. Muscle in all the right places. As you would probably say, “doubt I could find a reason to kick him out of bed.”

Totally agree on the attire. There are actually fetish websites — I stumbled upon one recently — that show men in women’s pantyhose, etc. I don’t get it.

Apparently, even some porn stars are perplexed. One VERY butch actor from England was asked to do a scene in a video dedicated to this fetish. His response: “I did it but I was definitely not into it — not at all.”

Enough said.

Reply to  curious sixty two
11 years ago

A guy wear ladies underwear never attracts me. The model need better direction.

Bing Chen
Bing Chen
11 years ago


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