Andreas Michael Gray – Totally Kissable!

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Shock horror, we've never had a post of the sexy Andreas Michael Gray on the Gay Body Blog before, so when I discovered these pics this afternoon I felt compelled to rectify this slight error and share this boy with you all.

First, it has to be said that although everything about this guy is so totally sexy and handsome, he has the most kissable lips I think I have ever seen on a dude! Check out that pout and tell me it's not the most delicious looking mouth you've ever seen on a guy.

And when he smiles, it just gets even better!

Okay, I think I might need to go and have a cold shower after this post, and that's before I even start to talk about his hot athletic body...

Perfectly smooth and blemish free, I'm willing to drop my love of hairy hunks just for a little while, just to appreciate this young hottie in all his magnificence. Yeah, it would be nice to see some more fur, but to be honest he could be covered in bees and I still wouldn't turn him away (round of applause for all those readers who understand the "covered in bees!" reference lol)

Andreas Michael Gray - Totally Kissable (1)

Andreas Michael Gray - Totally Kissable (2)

Andreas Michael Gray - Totally Kissable (3)

Andreas Michael Gray - Totally Kissable (4)

Andreas Michael Gray - Totally Kissable (5)

Andreas Michael Gray - Totally Kissable (6)

Andreas Michael Gray - Totally Kissable (7)

Andreas Michael Gray - Totally Kissable (8)

Andreas Michael Gray - Totally Kissable (9)

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13 years ago

What a handsome stud, a stunning hot guy, thanks!!!!!! 🙂

suhas kamble
suhas kamble
13 years ago

Hi six boy

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