André Ziehe In Underwear

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Evening chaps! I hope you've all managed to get over the middle of the week? I only recently discovered what "hump day" means, we don't have that concept in the UK and for some reason it always confused me. But it seems to make perfect sense now that I know! Please fdon't mock me, I feel quite stupid that I didn't figure that out a long time ago. Why didn't I just Google it the first time I asked myself what the hell it meant? lol

Rather than call this post something related to that (how many blogs have "hump day hotties" or something equally obvious?) I think I'll just keep this regular and not make such a big deal out of it ;)

When I say I'm not gonna make a big deal out of it, I don't mean the guy I'm posting of course. I would love to make a big deal out of André Ziehe!

I've featured him on the blog a couple of times now, and I know he's a pretty popular young hunk. So when I saw him in these pics for 2xist I had to share them here. We always love a guy in some sexy underwear, especially when he's as handsome and sexy as this guy.

Although, I have to say that having seen him looking a little more rough and manly in other images, I do prefer that slightly scruffier version of him. ;)

André Ziehe In Underwear (1) André Ziehe In Underwear (2) André Ziehe In Underwear (3) André Ziehe In Underwear (4) André Ziehe In Underwear (5) André Ziehe In Underwear (6) André Ziehe In Underwear (7)

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12 years ago

I agree, but if you’re working for 2xist their models are required to be shaved and waxed. Too bad for their stable of hot Brazilian models.

12 years ago

Makes me “humping” happy 🙂 Especially the last pic very “cherry” on the cake 🙂

12 years ago

I want him soooooooooo bad, he scorching HOT! damn !!!

12 years ago

2 XIST has great taste in these fuchsia ones at the end and

the model is stunning

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