André Lecca Shows Some Butt For Juan Yactayo Sono

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So, is everyone else forgetting what day it is and finding it hard to keep track of the time? I should be kinda used to this already considering I work from home most of the time anyway, but I have to admit I'm experiencing that, too.

On the plus side, I think that means time is moving more quickly, which can only be a good thing right now, right?

I hope you're all finding enough to distract you and keep you entertained, and I hope our posts of hotties here are at least helping you with that a little.

André Lecca should provide you with some distraction today. This is the first time we've seen him on the blog and although he doesn't do a lot of modeling I hope we get to see more shoots like this one by photographer Juan Yactayo Sono.

André is actually a dancer, singer and choreographer, so he knows a thing or two about the visual and performance arts, and I think that shows quite well in this little collection of pics. I wish we had more of him to enjoy here, but I think the sight of that generous ass should have you lingering over his shoot for a little while :)

Enjoy, leave a comment, let me know how you're all doing out there.

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