Anatoly Goncharov In His Underwear For Marcuse

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I know what you're thinking, this is a pretty standard collection of shots with absolutely no imagination or consideration beyond the handsome hunk chosen to display their wares, but I think we all also understand that whenever Anatoly Goncharov is posing for a camera we need to see it. Anatoly always looks amazing no matter how impressive the photography is, he's looking fine as always in this selection of images by what I would assume is just a staff photographer (no offense to that photographer, but these might as well be photos of a dishwasher for all the artistic skill involved). I'm gonna shamelessly admit that the only reason we're checking out these photos is because it's Anatoly, and he's wearing underwear, showing off his many bulging muscles and looking delicious. Now that I've seen these simple shots I want to get out there and see what else I can find of him that we might have missed over the last few months, there's bound to be one or two shoots we haven't seen here yet. Let me know what you guys think in the comments. Do you like simple shoots like this or do you prefer the more creative and artistic shoots by known photographers? Do you care when it's a gorgeous hunk like Anatoly Goncharov? Have a wonderful Tuesday, and if you're in the UK right now make sure you drink plenty of water. Damn it's HOT! lol Russian model Anatoly Goncharov Anatoly Goncharov underwear Anatoly Goncharov for marcuse msucled model Anatoly Goncharov sexy male model Anatoly Goncharov in underwear handsome russian model Anatoly Goncharov in underwear Anatoly Goncharov underwear bulge muscled male model Anatoly Goncharov in underwear for Marcuse

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6 years ago

Great body on this guy! I’ll take him in whatever he does (or doesn’t wear). One of the best-looking models around!

6 years ago

Wonderful collection. Beautiful man.

6 years ago

I’ll Be Waiting New Pictures From You, Dear Anatoly!

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