An Unnamed Male Model We Want More Of

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Well, this is interesting! Someone sent me an email this morning and although I almost missed it among the hundred spam emails trying to sell me face masks and UV light sanitizers my attention was luckily grabbed by the sight of this handsome man showing off his uncut dick. I immediately knew that you guys would appreciate him, too.

Unfortunately, I have no idea who this man is. My friend told me he's a French model who's apparently new to posing for photographers but he doesn't have a name. I did a little reverse image searching but couldn't find anything then, either.

I guess we're likely to find out more about him soon enough. If he's willing to get that cock out and properly show off like he is in these photos I can only imagine there are going to be plenty of photographers wanting to work with him.

He's handsome, and real fit too, but in a very natural way. He's not one of those polished and pumped male models you see bulging out of underwear for one of the big brands, he's just a good-looking and very sexy young man who's got a lot of what we like to see in a model.

I really, really like him. I'm hoping he crosses my path again in the future and we have the chance to enjoy a lot more.

Let me know what you think of him in the comments and hit that thumbs-up button. If you know anything about him please share :)

Have a good Thursday!

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4 years ago

Little ZIZI shall be greater if God permit it (lol)

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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