An Amazing Collection Of Masculinity – Chasing Beauty

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How many coffee table photography books do you own? I guess I have about five, mainly form my days studying art in college. But I guess us gay guys have a greater appreciation for the male nude in photography and art than any other groups of people, am I right?

I was checking out some of the more recent books released into the world since my college days and I found this pretty recent addition by Richard Phibbs.

You guys know I love some black and white photography, and the subject of the collection "Chasing Beauty" really had me interested. It looks like an amazing collection of pics covering masculinity and eroticism too, with some carefully selected images of some really gorgeous guys chosen by Alfredo Paredes (of Polo Ralph Lauren fame).

I have to admit that the pic that really had me interested was the guy with the white butt pissing on the beach. I don't know why I find that so sexy. I'm not into watersports (pissing or surfing! lol) so it's definitely not that. I think it might be the candidness of the shot, like he was snapped without knowing it.

I'm definitely tempted to buy a copy, and it feels good that 100% of the profit goes to charity too ;)

Gorgeous Naked Model by Richard Phibbs Naked Male by Richard Phibbs Naked Muscle Butt on the Beach Male Nude by Richard Phibbs Chasing Beauty by Richard Phibbs Naked Male Models by Richard Phibbs Muscled Boxer by Richard Phibbs Hot Sporty Model Chasing Beauty by Richard Phibbs Hot Muscle Buddies by Richard Phibbs Rugby Player by Richard Phibbs


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13 years ago

I love being masculine and I love masculine men 🙂

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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