American Hunk Model Tyler Lough

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It's been six years since we last saw American hunk model Tyler Lough here on the blog, but we need more.

And as is often the case, I have no idea where he's been or whether I just haven't been paying attention.

It seems he's still modeling. This first pic shows what he looks like now while most of the rest are a little old. He was a smooth and sexy young jock model back then, almost a twink. These days he's looking like a handsome and ripped daddy dude.

Maybe he's moved more into fitness. He is a personal trainer, and that's not in the least bit surprising to anyone lol

We also know that he was born in Ohio and grew up on a farm.

Do I need to say that he looks like he grew up on a farm? I bet he played baseball, too. He probably went to college and was a very stereotypical sports jock.

It might be unfair to make all those assumptions just based on that one thing, but we all know I'm right ;)

Whatever he's doing now I hope we occasionally get more pics of him. He's very handsome and he has a great body. I'll gladly share him again.

Enjoy these pics of the American hunk model and drop a comment below. Don't forget to hit the thumbs-up button!

Have a lovely Wednesday.

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4 months ago

beautés en tutti frutti de qualité

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