Allen Clippinger

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I know we've had a post of pics featuring Allen Clippinger on the blog before, but I'm pretty sure I have pics for this one that didn't make it into that collection. I didn't create that one of course, and in fact I've only just discovered this incredibly sexy young man. But I admit that I am in love after checking him out!

Okay, maybe that's not strictly true, I'm in lust. I can't be in love with a man I've never met, he could be a complete ass-hole (although I am sure he's not) lol

He's definitely changed quite a  bit since a lot of the other pics in that other post were taken. I think you can tell which are older and which are pretty new from the definition of his physique and the rugged handsomeness in his face. He's definitely one of those guys who just gets better looking all the time (curse you! lol)

The 29 year old from the US is currently "away with the military"... I know, you're now picturing him in cammo gear, surrounded by all those other hot men. Me too lol

Lets hope he returns safe and well soon, and gets straight back into modeling.

Allen Clippinger (1)

Allen Clippinger (2)

Allen Clippinger (3)

Allen Clippinger (4)

Allen Clippinger (5)

Allen Clippinger (6)

Allen Clippinger (7)

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12 years ago

Gorgeous Allen would look even hotter if he were waving that flag proudly with his flag pole.

11 years ago

His charm conquers me. It is hard to say I don’t enjoy him.

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