All About The Muscle With Diego Arnary And Roman Dawidoff By Rick Day

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There are a few photographers I totally adore for their work with some of the most amazing men in the world, and Rick Day is one of them. I think most of you guys would agree that his images are pretty special and the guys he chooses to shoot are always amazing. You pretty much know when a photo was taken by him, because even though it's so simple he has a very distinctive style to his photos.

This shoot with gorgeous men Diego Arnary and Roman Dawidoff is a perfect example of what the guy is famous for. These two look amazing together, with awesome bodies on show and some very teasing cock bulges too. Everything about these two guys should have you horny and wanting more.

Can you imagine being on the set when this shoot was in progress? Just think about that for a moment, both these hunks getting changed into their next very small outfit... I know, you want to be a photographer don't you lol

My only problem with this shoot is that we could have appreciated more of handsome and muscled hunk Roman in this mix. There's not enough of him in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, Diego is fucking hot, but the two together in plenty more photos would have been even more impressive.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below :)

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9 years ago

Rick Day photographs men, not boys — and gloriously well.

Could not agree with you more about the content in this shoot.

In fact, lose (the scrawny, hairy, inked, thug-wanna-be, need I go on?) Diego altogether and pair Roman up with his brother/cousin (?) Kirill and that would be a muscle twosome for the ages.

Reply to  curious_sixty_two
9 years ago

Agree it’s refreshing to see someone who’s not marred by ugly body graffiti.

9 years ago

There is a collection of YouTube vids of Diego Arnary and Roman’s equally hot cousin Kirill aka Konstanin Kamynin. Hot!

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