Alexis Marrujo Looks Awesome In Images By Photographer Villegasdiaz

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This isn't the first time we've seen the photography of Villegasdiaz. Back in July last year we enjoyed a really creative shoot with a kind of classical theme, it reminded me of the Athletic Model Guild days.

I always intended to look for more of this photographer's work but this collection of photos arrived in my email inbox this morning and I instantly knew you guys would appreciate them.

We've never seen male model Alexis Marrujo before but we might need to see more of him considering he's so obviously sexy and willing to be a real tease.

He's bulging in the tightest little briefs for this very colorful and creative shoot, which tells me that he's the kind of model who would be willing to be a little more daring than most.

One of the things I love most about this shoot is the use of color and the hazy way the subject is delivered. Excuse me for getting all "artsy" with you again but they really seem to deliberately hint at classical style oil painting.

Maybe this is something the photographer does a lot of, translating traditional styles to new subjects and methods?

If so, I like it. I think I need more!

Enjoy the post, leave a comment if you get what I mean about the model and style of photography, hit the like button and share the post with your friends and followers out there on social media.

Most importantly, as always, have a spiffing Wednesday :)

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3 years ago

Handsome man. The photography and retouching is too artificial.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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