Alexis Gremmel Showing Bulge In Florida

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Woo hoo! Another hottie discovered, one we have never had on the Gay Body Blog before! Check out the handsome and lithe Alexis Gremmel.

Lithe, that's a word I rarely use, but when I was thinking about how to best describe this good looking dude that's the first word that came into my pretty little head. So, I don't care what you think, that's what I'm going with :)

He's being photographed by lucky Michael del Buono for his shoot, while on a trip to sunny Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

You know, as an outsider, I usually think Floirida is where the elderly go to spend their twilight years and that there's probably not a whole lot going on there. But if this is the kind of hottie who likes to hang out at the beach then I think I might have to consider a vacation.

I love the look of this guy, and not just because a couple of the shots give the impression he's packing a lot into those shorts lol

He's a very nice looking guy, just a handsome and regular hottie with a body not puffed up in the gym.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good hunky muscle man, but when you know they spend hours a day on how they look it detracts just a little from the image, right guys? I mean, how are you supposed to have a lot of fun with a guy who lives at the gym and barely has time to notice you?

Anyway, enjoy this dude and appreciate his handsomeness (and that bulge) :)

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Gary Stewart
Gary Stewart
9 years ago

“Pretty Little Head” 🙂

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