Alexander Dorokhov Has So Many Bulges!

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We all love muscled hunks and fit jocks, right guys? Yes, some of us love twinks and daddies too, but if you don't think Alexander Dorokhov is totally amazing and worthy of being admired in this sexy shoot then there is something wrong with you, perhaps you need to get your eyes checked.

The handsome hunk is showing off a hell of a lot in this incredibly sexy shoot in what looks as though it might be a dance studio. I'm not sure if that has any relevance to Alexander Dorokhov himself, but I don't know enough about him to say one way or another.

He's awesome, he has an incredibly hot body, and the sight of him in his underwear is totally horny. But it also has to be said that the pic of him laying back in those shorts is perhaps the horniest pic of them all for me.

I love the opportunity for a dick slip, and he looks like he could fall out of those at any moment :)

We need more of him I think, I'll be out there looking around for more too - let me know if you have any info or know of any other shoots with this guy.

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