Alex Cairns Is Looking Buff!

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I don't know what's going on this morning, but when I checked to see the last post we had showing the hunky

Alex Cairns I couldn't find it. I know we've seen him before, I remember writing the post, but for some reason he's not appearing when I look.

Whatever, I'm not gonna let that stop me from sharing this impressively muscled and considerably serious looking man on the blog.

It's a shoot by Armando Adajar, someone we've seen the work of a few times before on the blog, and someone who really knows how to show off a handsome and hunky man in some pretty sexy and stylish shoots.

This guy has a lot going on, he's pretty good looking and he has a really impressive body too. I know he looks like he's been smoothed out a little after the shoot, and I can actually forgive that on this occasion.

I love guys who look so powerful like this, and check out that amazing bulge! Can you imagine spending a night with this guy? I think you might end up walking with a limp and feeling a little bruised for a few days after, but it would be so totally worth it :)

Give it a thumbs up, leave a comment, and don't forget to share him too, your friends will appreciate it.

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9 years ago

He’s a WOW! But don’t like that filter they’re using in the photography .. Unnecessary especially for this hunk!

9 years ago

I beg to differ, Conran.

Alex Cairns tight, muscled ass would be sore when I am done with it …. and, false modesty aside, blissfully so.

Sleep per chance to dream. Thanks! ; )

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