Alex Bueno Is So Gorgeous Your Heart Will Flutter

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I stick by the title, after feeling my own heart flutter (and my pants get tighter) upon seeing Alex Bueno for the first time. Now, I know that some of you are adamantly against tattoos, so much so that you might one day feel compelled to grab a placard and stand outside a parlor protesting against the inhumanity of men decorating their bodies in such a way, we get it. Not all guys are into ink. However, if you think you would turn this utterly gorgeous young man down because he has some ink on his body, you really do need a good spanking. He's such a ridiculously handsome guy, with an amazing body, and he seems willing to use that physique to arouse some specific desires in his audience too :) It's a shoot by Joan Crisol, so no wonder it's so good. We get a great teasing collection of images with the jock model really showing off and giving us a proper display, although we want to see more of course. I'm hoping I might be able to get a nude shoot on here with this guy revealing all, but without going to look around out there yet I get the feeling he's not that kind of guy. Anyway, nude full-frontal shots or not, enjoy this remarkably good looking young man, leave a comment, give him a thumbs-up and share the post around out there too if you have the chance. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday guys! Alex Bueno Is So Gorgeous Your Heart Will Flutter 1 Alex Bueno Is So Gorgeous Your Heart Will Flutter 2 Alex Bueno Is So Gorgeous Your Heart Will Flutter 3 Alex Bueno Is So Gorgeous Your Heart Will Flutter 4 Alex Bueno Is So Gorgeous Your Heart Will Flutter 5 Alex Bueno Is So Gorgeous Your Heart Will Flutter 6 Alex Bueno Is So Gorgeous Your Heart Will Flutter 7 Alex Bueno Is So Gorgeous Your Heart Will Flutter 8 Alex Bueno Is So Gorgeous Your Heart Will Flutter 9

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8 years ago

Damn! He is gorgeous! And I normally don’t go for more than one tatts and all-shaved look…

8 years ago

No question about his good looks and great body. I just can’t help thinking that he is standing there contemplating where his next tattoo should go I’ll take my art at the museum, thanks.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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