Aggelos Konstantilieris – Good looking, fit and damn sexy too

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Wherever you may be right now, I hope you're more comfortable than I am. I can't believe how hot it is here in the UK, I think I might need to strip down and just sit at my desk totally naked for the rest of the day. Let me know in the comments if you're battling the weather like I am, make me feel less alone in my struggles! Actually, I'd better not strip down, I'm supposed to be having a meeting this afternoon and I don't think they would appreciate my nakedness lol You know who we would love to see naked? Aggelos Konstantilieris. Wow, what a seamless transition that was :) I've only just discovered this handsome young man but apparently he's been out there showing off his gorgeous face and sexy jock body for some great photographers since at least 2016. Having said that, it's actually a little hard to find a full shoot featuring him and I'm not sure how many he's been in. This shoot by photographer Errikos Andreou is one of only a couple thorough collections I could have shared on the blog. Why hasn't he been in front of the cameras for a hundred different shoots since 2016? I have no idea, but I hope I can find more of him to post here for you guys. Have a great day! Male model Aggelos Konstantilieris Male model Aggelos Konstantilieris Male model Aggelos Konstantilieris Male model Aggelos Konstantilieris Male model Aggelos Konstantilieris Male model Aggelos Konstantilieris Male model Aggelos Konstantilieris

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Gordon Harris
Gordon Harris
6 years ago

Nice body. Thanks

6 years ago

Like yo suck head of cock

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