Adoring Super Cute Muscle Guy Vince Gingras

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I know people who think being a cute muscle guy isn't possible.

They seem to believe that once you've reached a certain level of muscle you can't look adorable.

Well, they clearly haven't met Vince Gingras.

This gorgeous young man dropped into my emails this morning and I was instantly smitten.

Something you might not know about me is that I have a serious thing for short kings. While I don't know how tall this handsome young hunk is, he definitely gives me that short king energy.

For me, that makes him even lovelier.

He's a social influencer. I know, I hate that notion too, but he's going it really well! He's an entrepreneur, too. He has his own line of personal care products with the Propre Body Care company.

No, they're not a sponsor, I just love this guy.

Oh, and if you think this cute muscle guy can't get any cuter, he has a little Corgi called Prince Willem!

Yes, you read that correctly. This stunning young man shows off his bod online, encourages people to be healthier, promotes good mental health, has his own business, is gorgeous, AND he has a pup called Prince Willem.

I'm in love.

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post so your friends and followers can fall in love with him, too.

I'll see you all back here tomorrow for more.

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7 months ago

He’s a 10 on my Peter meter – but where is his bone?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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