Adorable Austin Victoria

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His name is Austin Victoria, and although he's more of a twinky model than we might be used to on the blog I think a lot of you guys are going to find him adorable and incredibly sexy.

Photographer Jon Wong is the lucky guy getting to hang out with this young man, wearing nothing but his underwear - the model, not the photographer. Although, maybe Jon was wearing nothing but his undies too? I guess we'll never know lol

I do enjoy shoots like this one, although we know it's obviously not what it appears to be Austin does have a pretty convincing "I just woke up" look to him. And now I've said that I can bet that a lot of you are now wondering just what it would be like to wake up next to this sexy young man wearing nothing but his tighty whities.

Yeah, I'm imagining what that might be like too, but I can bet my imagination is hornier than yours :)

Okay maybe not, but it does mean I might have to go and have a deeper think about what that might be like, either that or take a very cold shower before getting on with my Saturday!

Enjoy the pics guys, leave a comment and share the post with your lucky friends.

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