Adonis Omar Mohran

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If I start off by mentioning Egypt, you might think of the revolution. If I mention Russia, you're probably thinking of homophobic law and then Edward Snowden. But in this instance I can mention both and have you thinking about something completely different.

Meet Omar Mohran, a gorgeous Adonis of mixed heritage, with a hot combination of Russian and Egyptian genes resulting in a studly hunk of drool-worthy proportions!

The rather delicious young man was snapped for this shoot on Long Island by Lewis & Marshall, showing off some interesting things - but more importantly that sculpted body.

Oh, and I have to mention that it seems I was right about a recent shoot where I commented on the 1980's style. I don't follow fashion trends very closely, but it seems that we are back around in that loop again and the 80's are coming back in a big way when it comes to color and style.

Here I am talking about fashion and retro looks when I should be leaving you to enjoy these gorgeous pics. Don't they just make you want to head to the nearest beach to go cruising? I'm not sure you'll find a willing guy looking like Omar Mohran, but it's worth a try, right? lol

Adonis Omar Mohran (1)

Adonis Omar Mohran (2)

Adonis Omar Mohran (3)

Adonis Omar Mohran (4)

Adonis Omar Mohran (5)

Adonis Omar Mohran (6)

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