Adam Senn for Industrie
I saw some images from this editorial with handsome hunk Adam Senn and was actually really struck by the contrast of color with his hot torso. I know, I'm getting all "arty" again! But what can I say, I love the simplicity of these shots, and being a fan of photography I think they do a great job of showing off both the clothes and the model perfectly.
Adam Senn was originally born in France in 1984, but moved to the US at an early age. Spotted by an agent in a hotel lobby, he was signed to an agency shortly after finishing high school and moving to the Big Apple. He quickly shot to the higher ranks, being hired for work with Gucci and then moving on to several other high profile bookings.
Since then he's graced the covers of numerous magazines, appeared for plenty of the larger fashion names out there and walked the runways of Milan and New York.
I can understand why he made it so big so fast. He is gorgeous, and perhaps a little predictably so. While I love the clean cut images below in this series for Industrie, I think I prefer some of his more diverse work where he actually looks a little more rough and ready - I think he has the perfect bad-boy image and look ;)
There's quite a lot out there, so I might have to offer some more hot pics of this hottie soon. As long as you guys don't mind of course!