Adam Becker Is A Teasing Hunk We Need To See More Of

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So, we're due a naked post today, but although this collection of photos of handsome male model Adam Becker aren't technically naked, I think we're seeing enough here to be able to call it that. Honestly, I wasn't sure if this would qualify, but after admiring his junk for a while and contemplating not sharing it I decided we had to have it as a nude post. He's so sexy, incredibly handsome but with a slightly innocent look about him. I'm not sure what it is that makes me think that, but he's just got that "boy next door" thing going on. It's only when you see that immense muscled jock body and that big meaty cock straining for release that you start to think of him differently. You'll recognize that some of these photos are by Rick Day. He's still one of my favorite photographers, but I have to say that I've been a little disappointed with his lack of work over the last year or two. I don't know what happened with him, we used to get these sexy shoots with amazing men in this very particular style a few times a year but he seems to have moved more into porn with Eastern European stars. Anyway, check out Adam Becker, appreciate his hotness, leave a comment and share it around too if you get the opportunity :)

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7 years ago

Another good choice….good-looking, great body.

7 years ago

Where is nudity?

7 years ago

Maybe his mommy told him no nudes

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