Actor And Model Guilherme Acrízio Might Be A New Fixation For Me

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I can't skate, can't ride a board, can't surf, would never go rock climbing or skydiving, but you can bet I love checking out the kind of guy who can do all of those things :)

The most adventurously sporty I get is camping and hiking in the summer, but there's just something so hot about so many of the guys who do all that stuff.

Guilherme Acrízio seems like that kind of guy, the adventurous and exciting kind. Maybe it's just the theme for this shoot by photographer Daniel Tostes but if it is just a theme it suits this handsome hunk well.

I don't actually know a whole lot about Guilherme Acrízio despite me doing a little clicking. It seems he's an actor as well as a model, but I'm not sure where he's from or what he's appeared in.

What I do know is that he's a damn handsome guy with an amazing body and I would love to see him in more shoots like this one, although preferably with fewer clothes :)

I might not be able to do any of the things it looks like can do but I wouldn't mind if he wanted to give me a lesson at the skate park.

Check him out, leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button.

Have a lovely Tuesday while I find any excuse I can to get out into the sun today, the Summer has finally arrived!

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3 years ago

It’s quite, QUITE obvious that neither this guy nor the photographer knows anything about skate boarding. . .

3 years ago

With fewer clothes? With no clothes!
Oh yes, I like my men sweaty all over!

3 years ago

As hot as he is, he looks 10 years too old to be in this photoshoot.

3 years ago

il a de la planche d’accord, mais ce long short, pfff

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