A Year Is Too Long To Wait For More Of Pierre Zamyatin

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I apologize. A year ago we saw some glorious photos of handsome and incredibly well-built hunk Pierre Zamyatin and then we just forgot about him, despite him being so obviously popular with you guys. I should have been out there looking for every shoot this gorgeous stud has ever appeared in but instead it took me accidentally stumbling across him again this morning.

Although I still need to do a little more digging it seems Pierre Zamyatin might be something of a muse for photographer Pavel Lepikhin, and it's entirely understandable.

I've seen that a few times, models get together with a certain photographer and create a whole series of shoots, because they work so well together (or maybe there's something else to it?) I know what you're thinking, if you were a photographer and you met this guy you'd be spending most of your time thinking of ways to get him almost naked in front of your cameras for something artistic and sexy.

I'm right there with you. It probably wouldn't be the best reason to get into photography but you have to admit it's a major bonus!

There's not much more I can say about this handsome guy and this sexy shoot, other than just admire that incredible body and drink in the sight of him posing and showing off in very little.

Are there nude photos of him out there? I'm gonna go and find out, so wish me luck :)

Leave a comment and let me know what you think of him, share this post around out there so your friends and followers get to enjoy him too.

Most importantly, enjoy your Friday :)

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