A Year Is Too Long To Wait For More Of Gorgeous Wyatt Dorion

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There are some male models who are so insanely hot that we should be seeing new shoots with them every month. In my humble opinion, Wyatt Dorion is one of those models.

We haven't seen him since October last year, and I have no idea whether it's my fault for not paying enough attention, or his fault for not taking his clothes off often enough lol

Well, thankfully we've got another chance to ogle this ridiculously handsome young man and his ridiculously sculpted body.

It's a shoot by photographer Carlos Del Solar, who it seems we've never seen here on the blog before. If this is his usual style then I think I need to spend some time today looking for more of his work!

I probably don't need to tell you that Wyatt Dorion is a fitness model, actor, and physique competitor.

You can tell from his definition and his posing that he's quite used to standing on a stage in a little posing pouch making every muscle flex and bulge.

I love shoots like this one, they remind me so much of those classic Athletic Model Guild photos from way back. It's great to see a handful of photographers keeping that spirit alive in their shoots.

Ogle his pics, leave a comment and hit the thumbs up button. If you want more of Wyat let me know down below, I'm assuming you do? :)

Have a great Wednesday!

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J.A. Fludd
J.A. Fludd
2 years ago

When a bad boy is this hot, a DAY is too long to wait for him.

2 years ago

Awful photography, unless you think shadows are the subject.

2 years ago

with a touch of Schwarzenegger or Robert Duranton ….

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