A Very Sexy Artistic Shoot With Enrique Gonzales

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It's been a little while since I last shared a sexy arty shoot on the Gay Body Blog, so when I found this one featuring handsome Enrique Gonzales I knew it had to be on here for you all to check out. Photographer Luis de La Luz has captured the Spanish hottie perfectly in this creative collection of images, subtle and sexy, showing off the handsome guy's form in a pretty sensual way. While I know a lot of you will wish there were some cock shots in this shoot, I actually think the cropping does something to make it even sexier. Those shots of his abs and the slight fur all over his lower abdomen... wow, that's damn sexy. This is the first time we've seen Enrique Gonzales on the blog but you can bet I'm going to be out there later and seeing if he's done anything else. Maybe there are some more revealing shoots with this handsome Spanish guy? Enjoy the pics, leave a comment if you feel like it, give this post a thumbs up at the top. And, let me know if there are any handsome men out there showing off in some sexy shoots that you think I should have on the blog. Have a great Sunday!

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