A True Hunk – John Kenney Photographed By Greg Vaughan

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I think you guys know that I have a small collection of photographers that I absolutely adore. They manage to choose the perfect guys for their shoots, and they always capture their hunks in some really delicious pics too.

Greg Vaughan is one of those guys I really admire when it comes to his photography of some of the sexiest men on the planet. This is a shoot that really shows his skills and captures a truly gorgeous man in the most perfect way.

John Kenney is pictured here in all his sexy and teasing glory, almost looking like he belongs on the cover of a romance novel - okay, I admit it's the hair that gives me that image in my mind lol

The guy is sex on legs, or sex on wheels if he's on a bike, or sex on floor if he's passed out... lets just cover all our bases and say he is sex, end of discussion. ;)

Favourite shot? Well, that would have to be the one with the sly smile as he shows off a patch of fur leading to the most delicious part about him - I'm assuming it's delicious of course, but I would love the chance to have a taste test and confirm that for you all!

A True Hunk - John Kenney Photographed By Greg Vaughan (1)

A True Hunk - John Kenney Photographed By Greg Vaughan (2)

A True Hunk - John Kenney Photographed By Greg Vaughan (3)

A True Hunk - John Kenney Photographed By Greg Vaughan (4)

A True Hunk - John Kenney Photographed By Greg Vaughan (5)

A True Hunk - John Kenney Photographed By Greg Vaughan (6)

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12 years ago

Very hot guy indeed! The only thing missing is a pic of him in his underwear – I do love a nice bulge in white briefs!

12 years ago

The long hair on him is very sexy !

12 years ago

the treasure trail on this guy is absolutely gorgeous

12 years ago

Greek LIVE statue like. The side handles are amazing

12 years ago

I am not fond of long hair on men but he is ONE exception to my riule….sexy mothafuc**er

12 years ago

I love the hair-it’s another element that the photographer can exploit to get the picture; my favorite picture is the 2nd with his body askewed and the messy hair is the reward that the viewer’s eye gets as it travels up the body; sort of like a little explosion at the end

Jason Lee
Jason Lee
4 years ago

DIdn’t think guy compete on the reality tv show Survivor?

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