A Threesome Of Smooth Jocks In Underwear

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The week is very nearly over, and I know a lot of you will be looking forward to partying this coming weekend. How many of you have work parties coming up? I've actually been invited to a few, and I'm having to prioritize. How do you tell someone that their party is less important to you than another? I still haven't worked that one out yet. I think I might be losing a few friends this Christmas lol

Back to the blog, I have the weekly hardcore shoot in mind for tomorrow, and after some of the videos I've been enjoying this week I think I have something you're all going to really enjoy. But in the meantime I thought you guys might like an underwear shoot with three smooth jock boys showing off their rather well defined packages!

Models Yadier, Todd and Jayson (sorry, I don't have their full names) are showing off some delicious styling from the AMU Underwear range, and doing a bang-up job of it too! I think it's likely that all three were chosen due to their impressive appendages ;)

But, taking your eyes from the bulges for a moment (you can do that if you try really, really hard!) they also have some pretty hot jock bods too. I thought I'd better point that out in case you didn't notice with all those bulging distractions. lol

Enjoy your Friday morning, see you for some cock action tomorrow!

A Threesome Of Smooth Jocks In Underwear (8)

A Threesome Of Smooth Jocks In Underwear (7)

A Threesome Of Smooth Jocks In Underwear (6)

A Threesome Of Smooth Jocks In Underwear (5)

A Threesome Of Smooth Jocks In Underwear (4)

A Threesome Of Smooth Jocks In Underwear (3)

A Threesome Of Smooth Jocks In Underwear (2)

A Threesome Of Smooth Jocks In Underwear (1)

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Nick Russell
Nick Russell
12 years ago

No, sorry, the bulge has it …

Ryan Kelley
Ryan Kelley
12 years ago

I really like the last model.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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