A Playful Shoot With Naked Murilo Gonçalves

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Happy Monday boys (and girls, I see you!)

I'm starting off the week on a bit of a high. I just got a text from a really hot dude I've been hoping to hook up with for a while and we're going out for a "drink" this week. Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it.

To make my morning even better, I just found this new shoot featuring handsome jock model Murilo Gonçalves. We've seen him a couple of times before and he's one of those dudes who isn't shy about showing everything off, in some real horny erotic photography.

This one might not be as upfront and horny as his two previous shoots, but I think photographer Julio Tavares has done a real good job of showing off this handsome young man and his most impressive features well. Yes, we would all like to see a lot more of that cock, but would you check out that ass!?

I don't want to list all the things I would love to do with him in a hotel room, but I think you can imagine that they would be quite interesting and thorough! :)

Enjoy him, make sure you check out his previous shoots too, and leave a comment if you think he should be in my top fifty list to check up on regularly for new shoots. It's all up to you, if you want more of him leave a comment.

Have a great Monday, see you back here tomorrow for more hotness.

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5 years ago

j’ai une envie de prendre la main, même sans atout !

Gregory John Nicholls
Gregory John Nicholls
5 years ago

Incredible male beauty, pure sculpture!

5 years ago

That’s one gorgeous body!

5 years ago

¡Rayos! que chico más candente

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