A Little More Of Levi Jackson

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I saw some more photos of the gorgeous Levi Jackson today, taken by Paul Reitz, another great photographer we absolutely love. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough in the collection that I could find to make a full post, so I have decided to gather some photos together of the hunk from a couple of different photographers. I don't think you'll mind that though, because the guy is sexy as hell and all the fans of lean and tight hairy dudes will love whatever I can share of this guy.

So, the first two photos are by Paul Reitz, and I guess these are pretty new and show that handsome guy with some longer hair and a little more muscle too. He's definitely matured and filled out a little since we saw him last in this post.

Next up we have some older shots of the handsome guy looking lean and slender, like he was back then. Justin Violini is the photographer for those, and he seemed to know what he was focusing on for those shots. It was all about the guys slim and tight physique and that "dirty sexy" look.

I have to say, I prefer him now. He's looking more handsome with a little more weight on him, and is that a little big of cock I can see in that one image? ;)

I'm anticipating a lot more from this handsome man, and now that he's flashed some dick in a photo I'm hoping he might become a little more revealing in future shoots too. None of us would mind that at all, right? lol

What do you guys think, do you prefer him as the slimmer hairy defined guy, or the more muscled?

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11 years ago

A little much on the facial hair, but ok.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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