A Little More Of Buff Jock Hunk Robert Barker
We've seen handsome and built Robert Barker on the Gay Body Blog a few times before, most recently just yesterday when he was showing off some sexy Robeaux Underwear. But I wanted a little more of him, so I had to get out there today and have a look around to see if there's anything I might have missed which deserved sharing on the blog.
I have to admit that I was pleased, and then a little disappointed too. There are some great shots of the guy to share in this post, but it actually looks like he hasn't been doing a whole lot of work out there in recent years.
I'm not sure why, he's such a handsome man and he has an incredible body. I guess he might have changed a bit or something, maybe he's just moved out of modeling and into something else?
I'm sure if any of you guys know the answer then you'll share it below in the comments, right? Please tell me he went into gay porn and I missed it lol
Anyway, enjoy his abs, his pecs and his sexy smile too. Yeah, I found a shot of the guy smiling!
Have a lovely Thursday.

so beautiful
Thanks for more!