A Lazy, Sexy Day With Male Model Renato Arruda

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I'm having an odd day. I woke up far too early this morning when a car backfired outside and now I think my body is rejecting this idea. I'm one of those people who once I wake up I find it almost impossible to get back to sleep again, so I've been awake since 5am. Four hours of sleep.

I just sat in front of my computer for an hour thinking about literally nothing relevant.

Thankfully, handsome lad Renato Arruda seems to have just snapped me out of this early-morning funk.

When I saw these photos I spent a little extra time wondering what it would be like to wake up next to him. I decided it would be a whole lot of fun.

We've never seen him before, and it seems as though he might be totally new to the world of male modeling because a little search on his name brought up nothing. Perhaps photographer André Carlos has discovered him? If that's the case, I think it would be wise for him to give us more of this very sexy and quite well-hung young man!

I don't want to detract from the rest of him, he's a good-looking guy with a hot body and a nice ass too, but that is one gorgeous looking cock!

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and feel free to share him around out there so your friends and followers can appreciate him too :)

Have a wonderful Thursday. I think I'm going to go for a walk and see if I can wake the f up a little more.

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5 years ago

I think this one needs a body, maybe should pay for a gym membership rather than some stupid tattoos.

5 years ago

He’s a developing twunk. I like him somehow. I think it’s the smile.

5 years ago

Renato is very likeable (and lickable)! He has a certain subtle beauty about him that’s so pleasing. I would not change a single thing about him, except maybe for his location…near me!!

P.s. BILL(1st comment)…bro, it’s 2019…so chill out with trying to body shame this MODEL because you are mental flawed and projecting YOUR insecurities onto others. Dude, you sound that stereotypical size queen…all brawn and no brain. So, Ma’am… I need for you to have several seats!!

1 year ago

Need to get my tight little ass pounded

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