A Jock Daddy Dick For Young Finn August

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Is this the first time we've seen Jax and his jock daddy dick here on the blog? It seems it might be.

Either he's very new to gay porn or I've been missing out, because this guy is DAMN FINE and he should have been on my radar!

We have seen Finn August before, and I know a lot of you guys have enjoyed him in previous scenes.

This one is a little bit weird, I have to admit.

Jax has a fake ass toy to fuck his loads into and while his roommate Finn is out of the house he settles in to enjoying it.

Of course Finn catches him. He formulates a ridiculous plan to distract the handsome hunk with a phone call while he takes the toy's place.

Now, I've fucked a few toys in my life, and none of them feel or look like the real thing. They feel great, and different, but there is no chance I could see a real ass and think it's a fake toy.

It's definitely not convincing that Finn could just take it's place without Jax noticing.

But, do we care how realistic this story is? No! We get to see this gorgeous man using that stunning jock daddy dick in young Finn's fine ass and having a great time.

I think we're gonna need to see more of both these guys in the future, how about you?

Check out some pics and click here for the video at MEN.com

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