A Hot Shoot With Hairy Muscled Hunk Rony Arboleda

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Happy Tuesday! Do you want to ogle a handsome and hairy muscled hunk in his underwear?

That's a stupid question, I know.

While this is our first time checking out Rony Arboleda I'm pretty sure you guys are gonna want to see more of him.

Will we get to see him naked? I doubt it. Still, the sight of him in his sexy undies is enough to entertain us.

Interestingly, this man is a founder and CEO of a fitness company, while also being a civil engineer!

I know we get a lot of personal trainers being models, you can totally understand that, but it's much rarer to see a civil engineer showing off his hot body for photographers.

That might be why I think it's unlikely we'll see him posing nude in any erotic shoots. I get the feeling he would probably be down for something like that with the right photographer, but he has a considerable professional image to maintain.

Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe he's totally cool about it all and wouldn't even consider that kind of thing? I hope so, because it would be hot to see this hairy muscled hunk in all his natural glory.

Jaime Alcaino is the photographer.

I like the style of this shoot. It seems quite spontaneous. There's not much that's elaborate about it. You could maybe imagine he just used a phone.

Enjoy these pics of the handsome man and leave a comment below. Hit that thumbs-up button if you want to see more of him.

I'm sure he's done at least a few other shoots and I wouldn't mind spending some time looking for those :)

Have a great Tuesday and I'll see you all back here tomorrow!

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1 year ago

Not into hirsute dudes at all. That said, the cut muscularity on this guy tempts me to make an exception. ; )

1 year ago

Pound my tight little ass forever baaby!!

1 year ago

Sculpted midsection nicely displayed in 3 photos, but not much of a bulge behind the briefs. Still, the dark haired legs are very sexy, especially the fine calf muscle in photo #3.

James B.
James B.
1 year ago

Would love to run my hands up and down the hairy legs.

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