A Hot Body, Great Ass And Uncut Cock With French Model Florent Fauverge

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Even though nothing came up when I searched for him on the blog I know we've definitely seen handsome Florent Fauverge here before. Perhaps I didn't know his name at the time or maybe he was in a compilation post, but whatever the reason I'm certain I've seen that great body and handsome face before.

We're seeing much more of him in this shoot by photographer Cedric Roulliat.

You know I like to get a little arty in my enjoyment of a good shoot, when the shoot demands it. This one definitely does.

Can I say that this shoot is a little spooky? It's not just the creepy location, it's the lighting too, and the way he seems to almost glow in this setting. As an artistic project the framing of this handsome man in that environment is amazing, the path leading out of the little room he's in draws your eye and it's a little strange and unsettling.

Of course, focus should mostly be on the handsome naked man showing off his body, and his uncut cock, in the middle of the frame. He's a good looking guy, and he looks awesome in this setting.

Let me know if you enjoy this shoot as much as I do. I'm genuinely tempted to maybe try painting that last image.

Have a great Saturday!

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4 years ago

Indeed. Beautiful.

4 years ago

Where is that dark room?

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