A Hot Ass Is The Perfect Moving In Gift

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I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but I'll say it again in the hope that porn directors might be listening... I really love it when a site creates a theme that hasn't been used a billion times already, and I think the guys at MEN.com have done that with this new hardcore session starring Kaleb Stryker and Beaux Banks.

Kaleb is moving into a new place and although it might take most people a few weeks to get to know a neighbor he's soon catching the eye of resident Beaux, who happens to be the neighborhood slut. Beaux offers to lend a hand, but when Kaleb catches him getting a little too interested in his underwear in the back of the truck he's soon lending him a mouth and an ass to fuck!

After swapping dicks and enjoying some delicious oral Beaux gets his hole eaten out and a big stiff dick deep inside it, with Kaleb being welcomed to the neighborhood in the best way possible.

I guess I should point out that while I bitch a lot about the really bad themes in gay porn this is one of those sites that does it well, but I guess that's why they've won so many awards over the years.

Remember, if you click through with this link you get a discount, so go and check out the video.

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