A Great Collection Of Gym Buff Dudes By Abel Cruz

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Waay back in 2013 we saw a shoot from photographer Abel Cruz for Photo Studio Miami showing off the hot body of gorgeous jock model Joshua Michael Brickman and that had my interest for a while, but for some reason it was hard to find more from this photographer. Well, I'm glad to say that I discovered some more handsome and smooth muscled jocks captured by him on camera and of course I need to share these guys with you all! I don't have any names other than Michael (the second pic) to share with you for this one unfortunately, but I get the feeling that one or two of you might be able to identify a couple of these handsome dudes showing off their muscled bods. By all means, share that in the comments, or just share some opinions in general :) And yes, I know a couple of these guys are rather predictable jocks, the kinds of guys who hang out at the gym every day and distract the rest of us from what we should be there for, but I know that you appreciate the anyway. You have to admit that even the most bland muscled dude is enough to turn your head from time to time :) Enjoy these dudes, leave a comment, give them a thumbs up and share the post around too if you get the chance. Most importantly, have a great Saturday. A Great Collection Of Gym Buff Dudes By Abel Cruz 1 A Great Collection Of Gym Buff Dudes By Abel Cruz 2 A Great Collection Of Gym Buff Dudes By Abel Cruz 3 A Great Collection Of Gym Buff Dudes By Abel Cruz 4 A Great Collection Of Gym Buff Dudes By Abel Cruz 5 A Great Collection Of Gym Buff Dudes By Abel Cruz 6

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8 years ago


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