A Gay Military Threesome For A New Guy

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I should start this off by wishing you all a very happy Valentines Day! Whether you're single or taken, I hope you have a lovely day and treat yourself and/or a partner to something. Maybe this new gay military threesome will get some of you guys in the mood for something hot and steamy? It's been a while since we had any action from the Active Duty site, but when I saw this video I knew it deserved to be here on the blog. We have veteran hottie Princeton Price leading the charge in this one, with relative new guys Phillip Fox and Diego enjoying some of the most delicious cock sucking fun guys could have. It's hard to believe these guys were straight (or I guess at least straight-ish) when they started out. Seeing them gobbling on each other proves that even straight guys tend to appreciate a hard piece of man meat when they try it for the first time :) There's more to this one than just sucking, but then you probably predicted that this would lead to a lot of hardcore butt fucking. Phillip is the focal point for all that dick in this gay military threesome, taking a great fucking from Princeton then letting Diego fill his ass with his bareback cock too. Needless to say it all ends with a lot of cum splashing around in the final moments. I know some of you have an issue with straight guys in gay porn, but I fucking love it. I can't help it, I think it's damn hot to see guys learning how much fun they can have together. Check out some of the pics and click through for the video.

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8 years ago


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