A Few Shots Of Nick Gogel
So, I've been missing for the last couple of days and I feel I owe you guys an explanation. I know a lot of you come here regularly so not seeing anything might have pissed a few of you off ;)
I went out on Friday and got into a bit of a fight with some total ass hat, and it came to blows. If you're shocked, you should be. I haven't thrown a punch since I was 13, and that was the only time I ever did. But on Friday this guy was literally groping my friends mother, and I had to step in.
Although he came off worse than me, I did break a tooth, badly. I had to go and have some urgent work done and I've been doped-up ever since. I'm still a little squiffy, but I can at least look at my computer without wanting to throw up lol
So, there you have it, I hope you'll forgive my absence and enjoy some pics I have for you guys today. I'll try to make up for the lost posts with some extras over the next couple of days too, so expect to see some hotness!
This is Nick Gogel, a handsome and buff young man who has been developing quite nicely as a male model over the last few years. I've seen some photos of him taken a while ago and he's really been working on his body. He's looking so buff and sexy in these photos that he's actually made me stop thinking about my discomfort, at least a little!
I know there's not a lot in this collection by Paul Reitz, but they are sexy shots that I thought deserved to be shared with you all.

Sorry about your tooth, hope you feel better!! Nick is definitely hot!
Thanks, I am feeling much better today, I’m still a little drugged up on pain killers and the swelling is making me a recluse, but I’m sure it’ll be okay soon 😉
Oh man!! I left you a note on Friday , to have a good time not to go to Las Vegas and get in the boxing ring.. It’s kind of sexy though.. I’m the king of recluses but this year I’m coming out.. Went down to the Hudson River Park on this great Spring day in NYC ..make sure you eat something before the pain killers( my side job : pharmacist) & feel better