A Dream-Like State – The Work Of Mustafa Sabbagh

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As I've mentioned before, sometimes a photographer grabs my attention like stalker in a dark alley, with an arm around the throat. But instead of demanding cash, they demand my attention. They have something to say, something I've never heard before, a secret or warning, or an entire story.

Mustafa Sabbagh is one of those photographers, who I stumbled across today quite by accident, and find myself infatuated. I don't like being a fanboy, but I have to admit that I now definitely am one!

The images below are from a shoot featuring the models Andrea, Tom, Francesco Ferrari and Michael Fleisher, shot in Italy just last month. They're amazing, stunning even, like a hazy dream that doesn't quite make sense even though you desperately want it to.

The guys are beautifully posed, captured in a state that I'm sure should have a story, but I have no idea what the story is. Do we need the story when we have such male beauty though?

While I have been gathering these images I've had an itch to see more, I'm now on the hunt. I'm addicted to the style, the lunacy, the confusion and the sense that I should understand it and just don't. But, whatever the outcome, it's beautiful art, and art should make you think.

Sexy Male Outside Mustafa Sabbagh - White Briefs Mustafa Sabbagh - Male Nude Photography Mustafa Sabbagh - Male Nude Male Semi Nude Male Photography Male Nude Photography Hot Young Muscle Guy In Briefs Hot Young Athletic Male Photography Muscled Cricket Guys

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13 years ago


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