A Damp Bulge With Rob Maya

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I know, I usually bitch and complain about there being yet another beachy, wet shoot with a hunk, but in this case I cannot find anything to complain about and I really don't mind the fact that we see this style and setting every week from another photographer.

Check out Rob Maya, wearing very little, and showing off his damp bulge for the world!

This shoot is by John Pila, and it's unashamedly erotic. You have to wonder if there's a story here though... I know it's probably just a shoot of a hot hunk wearing little on the beach, but I'm imagining a cruise ship on a gay holiday having sank off the coast, and he's one of the survivors to have washed up on a nearby beach lol

We would all gladly give him more than just mouth to mouth to revive him, right?

He's handsome, hunky, and he has a great bulge too. He's not at all shy, and that's something we love to see in a sexy male model. We've seen the work of John Pila plenty of times in the past, but this is the first time we've had Rob Maya on the blog, and I don't think it's going to be the last if he's this willing to show off the goodies! lol

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